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IOT - Innovations in Connectivity

Picture of Strawberry Fields

Join us at Strawberry Fields for our second Digital Innovation meetup!

This session looks at the intersection between Software and Hardware. Our first speaker is Essa Anas, Course Leader in Mechatronics at UCLan. Our 2nd speaker is Niamh Allen, Sales and Marketing Director of IoT Horizon.

We'll have great pizza, drinks and a fab location with plenty of networking, all for free.

Order of play:
Doors open at 18:00
18:00 - 18:30 Welcome Food, Drink & Networking
18:30 - Presentation One with Q & A
19:00 - Break
19:15 - Presentation Two with Q & A
19:45 - Closing drinks and networking

Essa Anas is a leading academic and Course Leader in Mechatronics and Intelligent Machines at UCLan. As well as industrial experience in the world of connectivity Essa also has an interest in exploring Deep Learning.

Niamh Allen is sales and Marketing Director of IoT Horizon. The company supports businesses to adopt digital technologies that improve efficiencies and revenues. IoT Horizon has a wealth of experience in wealth of experience in Digital Transformation, Rapid Prototyping, Electronics Engineering, IoT Security, Software Development, and Technology Selection.

17 March

Digital Roundtable, Burnley